Acute bronchitis is sudden inflammation of the main airways (bronchi) that come off the windpipe (trachea) in the lungs. The swelling causes the airways to get smaller and make more mucus than normal. This can make it hard to breathe and can cause coughing or noisy breathing (wheezing). Acute bronchitis may last several weeks. The cough may last longer. Allergies, asthma, and exposure to smoke may make the condition worse.
This condition can be caused by germs and by substances that irritate the lungs, including:
Cold and flu viruses. The most common cause of this condition is the virus that causes the common cold.
Bacteria. This is less common.
Breathing in substances that irritate the lungs, including:
Smoke from cigarettes and other forms of tobacco.
Dust and pollen.
Fumes from household cleaning products, gases, or burned fuel.
Indoor or outdoor air pollution.
What are the symptoms?
Common symptoms of this condition include:
Coughing. This may bring up clear, yellow, or green mucus from your lungs (sputum).
Runny or stuffy nose.
Having too much mucus in your lungs (chest congestion).
Shortness of breath.
Aches and pains, including sore throat or chest.