Diarrhea is frequent loose and sometimes watery bowel movements. Diarrhea can make you feel weak and cause you to become dehydrated. Dehydration is a condition in which there is not enough water or other fluids in the body. Dehydration can make you tired and thirsty, cause you to have a dry mouth, and decrease how often you urinate.
Diarrhea typically lasts 2-3 days. However, it can last longer if it is a sign of something more serious. It is important to treat your diarrhea as told by your health care provider.
Contact a Healthcare Provider If:
You have a fever.
Your diarrhea gets worse.
You have new symptoms.
You vomit every time you eat or drink.
You feel light-headed, dizzy, or have a headache.
You have muscle cramps.
You have signs of dehydration, such as:
Dark urine, very little urine, or no urine.
Cracked lips.
Dry mouth.
Sunken eyes.
You have bloody or black stools or stools that look like tar.
You have severe pain, cramping, or bloating in your abdomen.
Your skin feels cold and clammy.
You feel confused.
Go To The Nearest ER if:
You have chest pain or your heart is beating very quickly.
You have trouble breathing or you are breathing very quickly.
You feel extremely weak or you faint.
These symptoms may be an emergency. Get help right away. Call 911.
Do not wait to see if the symptoms will go away.
Do not drive yourself to the hospital.